Can a USPS Employee Moonlight with UPS

Can a USPS Employee Moonlight with UPS? Understanding the Rules of 2024

In an era where side hustles and moonlighting have become common, many employees seek ways to supplement their income. For postal workers, the question often arises: Can a USPS employee moonlight with UPS?

This blog post aims to explore this possibility comprehensively by diving into employment policies, guidelines, and practical considerations. Whether you’re a USPS employee, a UPS worker, or someone seeking a part-time job, this information could prove invaluable.

Can a USPS Employee Moonlight with UPS?

USPS employees contemplating a secondary job with UPS must navigate several legal and policy-related hurdles. USPS guidelines explicitly prohibit employees from engaging in outside employment that could lead to conflicts of interest, including jobs with competitors like UPS.

Additionally, federal regulations under the Hatch Act restrict certain political activities, and employees must ensure their secondary employment does not interfere with their USPS responsibilities.

 While individual circumstances and interpretations might vary, it is generally advised that USPS employees seek formal approval from their supervisors or human resources department before accepting any secondary employment to avoid potential disciplinary actions or conflicts.

What are the Employment Policies?

can a usps employee moonlight with ups

Employment policies regarding moonlighting vary significantly between organizations. For USPS employees, the rules can be particularly stringent due to the nature of their service and the governmental framework within which they operate.

It’s crucial for USPS employees to understand these policies before taking on additional roles.

USPS Employment Guidelines

USPS has clear guidelines when it comes to secondary employment. According to USPS policies, employees must ensure that any external job does not conflict with their responsibilities at USPS.

This includes avoiding any potential conflicts of interest and ensuring that the second job does not interfere with their ability to perform their USPS duties effectively.

  • Conflict of Interest: USPS employees must avoid employment that competes with or poses a conflict of interest with their duties at USPS.
  • Work Performance: The secondary job must not interfere with the employee’s performance at USPS. This includes avoiding fatigue that may impact job performance.
  • Approval Process: Some positions within USPS may require employees to seek approval before engaging in additional employment.

How Long Can a USPS Employee Moonlight with UPS?

There is no specific limit on how long a USPS employee can hold a secondary job, as long as it adheres to the guidelines mentioned above.

However, the feasibility of maintaining two jobs over the long term depends on the individual’s ability to balance the responsibilities and commitments of both roles.

Statistics of USPS Employees Moonlighting with UPS

While exact statistics on the number of USPS employees working part-time with UPS are not publicly available, anecdotal evidence suggests that some postal workers do seek additional employment to supplement their income.

However, these instances are typically managed on a case-by-case basis to ensure compliance with USPS policies.

Balancing Responsibilities and Transparency

Moonlighting as a USPS employee while working for UPS entails navigating a fine line between dual responsibilities and maintaining transparency.

 Employees must ensure that their secondary employment does not conflict with their primary job duties or undermine their effectiveness at USPS.

Transparency is crucial; employees should disclose their additional employment to USPS management to avoid potential conflicts of interest and ensure compliance with ethical standards.

By balancing these dual roles responsibly and maintaining open communication, employees can mitigate risks and uphold their professional obligations in both workplaces.

Is UPS Affiliated with USPS?

It’s important to clarify that UPS and USPS are separate entities. USPS is a government-operated postal service, while UPS is a private courier and logistics company. Despite occasional collaborations in areas like package delivery and logistics, the two organizations operate independently.

Therefore, an employee working for both would need to navigate the different cultures and operational standards of each organization.

Things to Consider

Before deciding to moonlight with UPS, USPS employees should consider several factors:

  • Workload and Health: Assess whether you can handle the physical and mental demands of holding two jobs.
  • Legal and Ethical Constraints: Ensure compliance with all legal and ethical guidelines set by USPS.
  • Impact on Primary Job: Verify that the secondary job does not negatively impact your performance at USPS.


While it is possible for a USPS employee to moonlight with UPS, it requires careful consideration of employment guidelines, personal health, and workload management.

Transparency with both employers and adherence to organizational policies are key to successfully balancing dual employment.


If UPS misdelivered your package, you should contact UPS customer service immediately. Provide them with your tracking numbers and any relevant details so they can investigate and rectify the issue.

Yes, USPS and UPS are competitors in the logistics and delivery market. However, they occasionally collaborate on certain aspects of package delivery, such as last-mile delivery services.

Shipping a UPS package through USPS can lead to delays and complications. It’s important to use the correct shipping services for each carrier to avoid any issues.

While it is possible to work for both UPS and USPS, employees must ensure compliance with USPS guidelines regarding secondary employment. This includes avoiding conflicts of interest and ensuring that the secondary job does not interfere with USPS duties.

Yes, you can ship a UPS package in a USPS box; however, you must ensure that all USPS branding and labels are removed or covered. Additionally, make sure you comply with UPS packaging guidelines to avoid any issues during transit.

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